Unesco set Tari Saman As a World Cultural Heritage

Saman Dance from Aceh province will be recognized and confirmed by the organization of education, science and culture of the United Nations (UNESCO), as a world cultural heritage does not matter on November 19, 2011.

"Tari Saman will be announced as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO does not matter on November 19, 2011," said Chief Resources Agency of Culture and Tourism Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kemenbudpar), I Gde Pitana, here on Monday.

He said, with the recognition of Tari Saman, then it is more and more the work culture of Indonesia that has been recognized by UNESCO, including previously wayang, keris, batik, and angklung.
UNESCO will announce recognition of the Tari Saman as a world cultural heritage objects are not (intangible heritage) in Bali.
"To get this recognition need a long verification process, and to our future and expects Indonesia's world heritage recognized by UNESCO will be more and more," he said.
He said it has sought a variety of things to be able to record Tari Saman as a world cultural heritage.
The struggle has been carried out since several years ago until finally Saman Dance will soon be recognized on the list of world cultural heritage does not matter (Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity).

He said he recorded the heritage of the world until this time had as many as 890 sites with 689 in the form of cultural heritage, 176 natural heritage, and 25 mixed cultural heritage and natural heritage.
Among that number, he argued, world heritage Indonesia has owned as many as 11 pieces.
Of the 11 world heritage Indonesia owned as many as four of them in the form of natural, three cultural preservation, and four cultural work does not object.

For the world heritage natural form, according to him, consisting of National Park Ujung Kulon (Banten), Komodo National Park in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Lorentz National Park in Papua, and the tropical forests of Sumatra (Gunung Leuser National Park, Kerinci Seblat, and Bukit Barisan).
As for the nature reserve which the Borobudur Temple Complex which is recognized by UNESCO since 1991, Prambanan Temple Complex (1991), and the prehistoric site of Sangiran.

Indonesia's intangible cultural work that has been and will be recognized by UNESCO, the puppet (a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity, 2003), kris (a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity, 2005), batik (a representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity, 2009), and angklung (representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity, November 18, 2010).

picture taken from yahoo.com

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