Travel to Bali At the feast of Hindus

If you are planning a vacation to Bali this week? Luckily, due February 1, this is Galungan. Galungan celebrated Hindus in Bali as the celebration of the victory of dharma (virtue) over adharma (evil). Galungan, according to Balinese calendar is celebrated once every six months, but it is always celebrated on Wednesday. Galungan is a big celebration for Hindus in Bali. In addition, Galungan is closely related to other festivals, the Feast of Kuningan. The distance is only 10 days and is considered as the closing celebration of Galungan. Therefore, the usual way to congratulate people who celebrate it is by the phrase "Happy Galungan and Kuningan ."

Some areas in Bali has its own peculiarities as the celebration of Galungan and Kuningan. Galungan itself consists of several series. One day before the Galungan or called Penampahan Galungan, ordinary people do ngayah (communal work) in the temple and make various foods such as lawar and satay. During Galungan, pretending to be met by both Hindus. At this moment in Balinese cultural tour to be so attractive. You can just go to the nearest temple from where you stay. But do not be surprised at how crowded and densely filled with Hindu temples.

A day later, people usually visit each other's house to congratulate the family holiday or stay in touch. In this Galungan week, the streets of Bali will look beautiful with Penjor-Penjor, bamboo with leaf decoration, which was set up in rows. For those of you who like pictures, so just went to Bali when Galungan. Because, Galungan is a big feast in addition to Nyepi, even schools and government agencies usually holiday between three days to a week. At that moment, the entire island of Bali as berias with Penjor-Penjor pretty calm, the girls dressed in colorful kebaya down the street, offering the colorful flowers and fruit, then the dynamic tetabuhan baleganjur gamelan.

When the feast of Kuningan temple will be filled by the people. The women bring offerings in the head. Then the smell of incense that burst and relentless tetabuhan gamelan. Magical atmosphere will amaze you. You can see the ceremony at Temple Petilan Pengerebongan, Village Kesiman, Denpasar. The ceremony brings ngurek tradition. You should not watch it if you can not stand that such actions Debus.

Ngurek tradition exists in almost all areas in Balinamely stab themselves with kris while in a trance state or so-called people of Bali while in a state of "kerauhan". The difference, in this villagewhich used a kris dagger called luk Kesiman sacredInterested in doing cultural tourism in Bali during Galungan and KuninganJust remember, in 2012, Galungan on February 1, 2012 and August 29, 2012While Kuningan on February 11, 2012 and 8 September 2012.

Muhammad Hasanudin -

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Nanggroe Acéh Darussalam
629 - Kutacane
641 - Langsa
642 - Blangkejeren
643 - Takengon
644 - Bireuen
645 - Lhokseumawe
646 - Idi
650 - Sinabung (Simeulue)
651 - Banda Aceh, Jantho, Lamno
652 - Sabang
653 - Sigli
654 - Calang
655 - Meulaboh
656 - Tapaktuan
657 - Bakongan
658 - Singkil
659 - Blangpidie
Sumatra Utara
61 - Medan, Binjai, Stabat
620 - Pangkalanbrandan
621 - Tebingtinggi
622 - Pematangsiantar
623 - Kisaran, Tanjungbalai
624 - Rantauprapat
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630 - Telukdalam
631 - Sibolga
632 - Balige
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634 - Padangsidempuan
636 - Panyabungan
639 - Gunungsitoli
Sumatra Barat
751 - Padang, Pariaman
752 - Bukittinggi, Batusangkar, Padangpanjang, Payakumbuh
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754 - Sawahlunto
755 - Solok, Alahanpanjang
756 - Painan
757 - Balaisela
759 - Muarasiberut
760 - Telukkuantan
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762 - Bangkinang
763 - Selatpanjang
764 - Siak Sri Indrapura
765 - Dumai, Duri
766 - Bengkalis
767 - Bagan Siapi-api
768 - Tembilahan
769 - Rengat, Airmolek
Kepulauan Riau
771 - Tanjungpinang
772 - Terempa
773 - Ranai
776 - Dabosingkep
777 - Tanjungbalai Karimun
778 - Kabil, Nongsa
779 - Tanjungbatu
741 - Jambi
742 - Kualatungkal
743 - Muarabulian
744 - Muaratebo
745 - Sarolangun
746 - Bangko
747 - Muarabungo
748 - Sungaipenuh
Sumatra Selatan
711 - Palembang, Pangkalanbalai, Betung
712 - Kayuagung
713 - Prabumulih
714 - Sekayu
731 - Lahat
733 - Pendopo, Lubuk Linggau
734 - Muaraenim
735 - Baturaja
Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
715 - Belinyu
716 - Muntok
717 - Pangkalpinang, Sungailiat
718 - Koba, Taboali
719 - Manggar, Tanjungpandan
732 - Curup
736 - Bengkulu, Tais
737 - Argamakmur, Mukomuko
738 - Muara Aman
739 - Bintuan, Manna
721 - Bandarlampung
724 - Kotabumi
725 - Metro
726 - Menggala
727 - Kalianda
728 - Liwa
729 - Pringsewu
730 - Kota Agung, Pagaralam
21 - Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi
252 - Rangkasbitung
253 - Pandeglang, Labuan
254 - Serang, Cilegon, Merak
Jawa Barat
22 - Bandung, Cimahi, Soréang
231 - Cirebon, Losari
232 - Kuningan
233 - Majalengka, Kadipatén
234 - Indramayu, Jatibarang
251 - Bogor
257 - Pasauran
260 - Subang, Pamanukan
261 - Sumedang
262 - Garut
263 - Cianjur
264 - Purwakarta
265 - Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Ciamis, Pangandaran
266 - Sukabumi, Pelabuhan Ratu
267 - Karawang
Jawa Tengah
24 - Semarang, Ungaran
271 - Surakarta (Solo), Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Sragen
272 - Klaten
273 - Wonogiri
275 - Purworejo
276 - Boyolali
280 - Majenang, Sidareja (Kabupaten Cilacap bagian barat)
281 - Purwokerto, Banyumas, Purbalingga
282 - Cilacap (bagian timur)
283 - Tegal, Slawi, Brebes
284 - Pemalang
285 - Pekalongan, Batang (bagian barat)
286 - Banjarnegara, Wonosobo
287 - Kebumen, Gombong
289 - Bumiayu (Kabupaten Brebes bagian selatan)
291 - Demak, Jepara, Kudus
292 - Purwodadi
293 - Magelang, Mungkid, Temanggung
294 - Kendal, Kaliwungu, Weleri (Kabupaten Batang bagian timur)
295 - Pati, Rembang, Lasem
296 - Blora, Cepu
297 - Karimun Jawa
298 - Salatiga, Ambarawa (Kabupaten Semarang bagian tengah dan selatan)
274 - Yogyakarta, Sleman, Wates, Bantul, Wonosari
Jawa Timur
31 - Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Bangkalan
321 - Mojokerto, Jombang
322 - Lamongan, Babat
323 - Sampang
324 - Pamekasan
325 - Sangkapura (Bawean)
327 - Kepulauan Kangean, Kepulauan Masalembu
328 - Sumenep
331 - Jember
332 - Sukosari, Prajekan
333 - Banyuwangi, Muncar
334 - Lumajang
335 - Probolinggo, Kraksaan
336 - Ambulu, Puger (Kabupaten Jember bagian selatan)
338 - Situbondo, Besuki
341 - Malang, Kepanjen, Batu
342 - Blitar, Wlingi
343 - Pasuruan, Pandaan
351 - Madiun, Caruban, Magetan, Ngawi
352 - Ponorogo
353 - Bojonegoro
354 - Kediri, Pare
355 - Tulungagung, Trenggalek
356 - Tuban
357 - Pacitan
358 - Nganjuk, Kertosono
361 - Denpasar, Gianyar, Kuta, Tabanan, Tampaksiring
362 - Singaraja
363 - Amlapura
365 - Negara, Gilimanuk
366 - Klungkung, Kintamani
368 - Baturiti
Nusa Tenggara Barat
370 - Mataram, Praya
371 - Sumbawa
372 - Alas, Taliwang
373 - Dompu
374 - Bima
376 - Selong
Nusa Tenggara Timur
380 - Kupang, Baa (Roti)
381 - Ende
382 - Maumere
383 - Larantuka
384 - Bajawa
385 - Labuhanbajo, Ruteng
386 - Kalabahi
387 - Waingapu, Waikabubak
388 - Kefamenanu, Soe
389 - Atambua
Kalimantan Barat
561 - Pontianak, Mempawah
562 - Sambas, Singkawang, Bengkayang
563 - Ngabang
564 - Sanggau
565 - Sintang
567 - Putussibau
568 - Nangapinoh
Kalimantan Tengah
513 - Kualakapuas, Pulangpisau
519 - Muarateweh
522 - Ampah
525 - Buntok
526 - Tamianglayang
528 - Purukcahu
531 - Sampit
532 - Pangkalanbun, Kumai
534 - Kendawangan
536 - Palangkaraya, Kasongan
537 - Kualakurun
538 - Kualapembuang
539 - Kualakuayan
Kalimantan Selatan
511 - Banjarmasin, Banjarbaru, Martapura, Marabahan
512 - Pelaihari
517 - Kandangan, Barabai, Rantau, Negara
518 - Kotabaru, Batulicin
527 - Amuntai
Kalimantan Timur
541 - Samarinda, Tenggarong
542 - Balikpapan
543 - Tanahgrogot
545 - Melak
548 - Bontang
549 - Sangatta
551 - Tarakan
552 - Tanjungselor
553 - Malinau
554 - Tanjungredeb
556 - Nunukan
Sulawesi Utara
430 - Amurang
431 - Manado, Tomohon, Tondano
432 - Tahuna
434 - Kotamobagu
438 - Bitung
435 - Gorontalo, Limboto
443 - Marisa
Sulawesi Tengah
450 - Parigi
451 - Palu
452 - Poso
453 - Tolitoli
457 - Donggala
458 - Tentena
461 - Luwuk
462 - Banggai
463 - Bunta
464 - Ampana
465 - Kolonedale
Sulawesi Barat
426 - Mamuju
428 - Polewali
Sulawesi Selatan
411 - Makassar, Maros, Sungguminasa
413 - Bulukumba
414 - Bantaeng (Selayar)
417 - Malino
418 - Takalar
419 - Janeponto
420 - Enrekang
421 - Parepare, Pinrang
422 - Manene
423 - Makale, Rantepao
427 - Barru
428 - Wonomulyo
471 - Palopo
473 - Masamba
481 - Watampone
482 - Sinjai
484 - Watansoppeng
485 - Sengkang
Sulawesi Tenggara
401 - Kendari
402 - Baubau
403 - Raha
404 - Wanci
405 - Kolaka
408 - Unaaha
Maluku jeung Maluku Utara
910 - Bandaneira
911 - Ambon
913 - Namlea
914 - Masohi
915 - Bula
916 - Tual
917 - Dobo
918 - Saumlaku
921 - Soasiu
922 - Jailolo
923 - Morotai
924 - Tobelo
927 - Labuha
929 - Sanana
931 - Saparua
Papua jeung Irian Jaya Barat
901 - Timika, Tembagapura
902 - Agats (Asmat)
951 - Sorong
952 - Teminabuan
955 - Bintuni
956 - Fakfak
957 - Kaimana
966 - Sarmi
967 - Jayapura, Abepura
969 - Wamena
971 - Merauke
975 - Tanahmerah
980 - Ransiki
981 - Biak
983 - Serui
984 - Nabire
986 - Manokwari

Doka Village, House weave fabrics in Flores

FROM Maumere, a city on the northern island of Flores is only 20 kilometers apart from the edge of the south, traveling on four wheel drive vehicles to the village of Doka presents the views of verdant hills gap is very charming. Full travel down the road bends to go up the hill into the realm of trees such as banana china, cocoa, copra, hazelnut, and cashew nuts.

Condition of road between the north and south in Sikka district known as District Thousand Nyiur counted very well. However, since the width of the narrow and winding road so the vehicle can not speed the rate of more than 40 miles per hour. Public transportation charged orange sacks packed on it occasionally drove over the narrow streets of the village towards Maumere Doka.

Doka village is a village in the Village Bola, Sikka regency is known to have a beautiful woven ikat fabric. Still more remarkable from the material manufacturer dominated the landscape. Doka Village Community since ancient traditional weaving skills with a variety of hues.

Doka village became one of the examples coaching tourist village in Flores. Initially the support of tourism is the originator of Java Kornelis, 1997 Village Doka started to squirm. Now since the year 2010, Cletus Lopez, son of Kornelis Java, continue to show the village attractions and local wisdom of a village behind the mountain. Guests who have come here from different countries and witnessed the beauty of fabric weaving.

Lined with houses overlooking a connecting road between villages, Doka Village is not as visible as other traditional villages. Some have mingled with the modernity of life in Maumere but persistent community to live by maintaining ancestral traditions.

When guests arrive then the villagers will play a welcome dance, the dance tradition, show the process of making ikat cloth, dish up food and traditional beverages. Doka Hospitality Village is an attraction that can not be missed when you are in Sikka.

Doka village recently revealed from the path of exploration on the island of Flores. Appearance gave a new color on your adventure before reap more natural awkwardness charming in Flores, the Lake Flores in Moni, Stone Blue or Green Stone on the beach toward Bajawa, the apparent removal of the seabed in the hills along the south fault inter Flores, placement altar stone in the traditional village Boawae, as well as various unique cultures that still live on the island of this snake.

Cultural attractions are also waiting admirers, ranging from dance and party welcoming guests in Belaraghi to dance on the ragged To'e chided. Final visit in the western part of Flores can be enhanced with a visit to the house in the Komodo National Park Komodo as a baby for Flores, Indonesia as well, even the world.


Because the location of Doka village not too far from the town of Maumere then the option to stay in Maumere suggested a more complete with a range of facilities and accommodation. Often travelers made Maumere as the beginning of exploration on the island of Flores. The travelers are not too often leave too much time at the starting point of the trip.


As a tradition in many other villages in Flores, guests who come to a village are usually treated to a welcome sign of symbolic dish of betel and tobacco or areca nut. In addition, offering a presentation of a cake made from tubers (Leku) are also commonly given to guests combined wine or arrack from palm or palm tree called gin.

Pinang is still a small-sized fruit fibers taken under the outer skin which will continue to chew so soft. The trick, peel the outer portion of the green betel nuts with incisors or front teeth little by little as if to bite too deep then it must be difficult to peel. After a bit in and found the fibers and the fibers collected at the mouth and chew until smooth.

As the fibers of areca nut chewing, eat too young betel rods that have been given a white camphor. You just need a little betel alone with a little lime, because betel can make your head dizzy when too much is consumed and the lime was burned when the excess.

Save betel and lime on the molars. Chewing all these ingredients over time will give a fresh taste and produces the red color of the mixture of natural chemicals derived from betel and lime. Ludahkan your excess saliva and red when it feels uncomfortable. Surely this is not the bite of the sweetest in the world but his experience is probably the sweetest thing perceived worth.

Wine or gin is made from natural ingredients that palm trees or palm. Unlike the wine (also called the Moke in the local language), palm wine is not so much even though they contain alcohol can make a hangover if consumed in excess. In welcoming guests, do not be surprised if before the wine is offered to you in a cup made from coconut shell or clay.


In one corner of the Village Doka venue for dances and demonstrations of making ikat cloth, neatly displayed on the display of bamboo-woven colorful villagers Doka. Ikat fabrics on display as a natural wall of weaving open space where provided for guests who want to examine the process of ikat cloth. Ikat fabric labeled prices ranging from Rp 250,000 to Rp 2,000,000. This of course depends on the type and size of these ikat fabrics. Trying to bargain must not be prohibited, even encouraged as a sign of appreciation and your interest in the cloth.


Doka village can be reached by the two-wheeled vehicle or four wheels, depending on how many people in your group. Along the main road leading from Maumere Waiara then need to ask residents about the road south to the village of Doka.

When the adventure with the help of a guide then it will be easier to find. When the adventure itself not to worry because everyone in siniumumnya understand Indonesian very well. Angkot orange will mark the way to the village of Doka impressive.


In Flores there are five different regional languages, including in Sikka with its own regional language. It does not matter if you go with a guide who understands the language in Sikka, but if not then use the Indonesian language that is good and right in order for a smooth journey without communication problems.

Unlike a few years ago where a stroll along the famous island of Flores is still broken, now cross-Flores made the trip on the vehicle feel more comfortable without having to bounce when sitting in the back seat. The quality of roads is very good, although you will still feel the curve of Maumere to Labuan Bajo like never-ending. (Angke / Him -
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