Angklung is a musical instrument made out of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved so that they have a resonant pitch when struck. The two tubes are tuned to octaves. The base of the frame is held with one hand while the other hand shakes the instrument rapidly from side to side. This causes a rapidly repeating note to sound. Thus each of three or more angklung performers in an ensemble will play just one note and together complete melodies are produced. Angklung is popular throughout Southeast Asia, but originated from Indonesia and it has been used and played by the Sundanese since the ancient times.
Choosing bamboo
Not all bamboo can be used as raw material, black bamboo is the best material to use,the bamboo must be aged 4 years and harvested in the dry season from 9 am to 3 pmfor bamboo is not moist, and will produce good sound. After cutting the base of thebamboo tree, measuring approximately 2-3 inch of ground, the bamboo should be keptfor about 1 week, so the bamboo really does not contain water.
After a week, bamboo must be separated from its branches. And cut to specific sizes.Then, the bamboo should be kept for about a year to prevent from pest. Someprocedures are: bamboo by soaking in a puddle of mud, pond or river, can also be smoked in the hearth way (diunun), and modern procedures: using a formula of certainchemicals.
Angklung Parts
Saung Angklung Ujo (SAU)
Choosing bamboo
Not all bamboo can be used as raw material, black bamboo is the best material to use,the bamboo must be aged 4 years and harvested in the dry season from 9 am to 3 pmfor bamboo is not moist, and will produce good sound. After cutting the base of thebamboo tree, measuring approximately 2-3 inch of ground, the bamboo should be keptfor about 1 week, so the bamboo really does not contain water.
After a week, bamboo must be separated from its branches. And cut to specific sizes.Then, the bamboo should be kept for about a year to prevent from pest. Someprocedures are: bamboo by soaking in a puddle of mud, pond or river, can also be smoked in the hearth way (diunun), and modern procedures: using a formula of certainchemicals.
Angklung Parts
1. If the sound becomes higher, see (Figure 1) look a bit until you reach the desiredsound.
2. If the sound becomes lower, see (Figure 2) cut a little so that her voice becamenormal again.
1. If the sound becomes higher, see (Figure 1) look a bit until you reach the desiredsound.
2. If the sound becomes lower, see (Figure 2) cut a little so that her voice becamenormal again.
Because angklung made of bamboo, construction is not strong, so we need goodmaintenance and storage. Good Angklung made from bamboo that has been throughgood quality control process. Long storage before being processed into Angklungbamboo must be at least one year old. Drying process is working for Angklung bamboomade to produce accurate sound / loud and less susceptible to pest termites. Angklungage when the treatment is good to reach 10 years.
Steps to maintain Angklung:
- Once Angklung arrived at a new place, get open and hang on the pole standard that has been provided. Storage in a cardboard box / place closed more than 7 days can result in a change of voice and penjamuran on bamboo.
- Storage Angklung preferably by hanging, not stacked.
- Angklung storage should be in a dry place and not humid with temperatures ranging from 25-33 C.
- Do not store in the open Angklung that get sunlight or rain directly.
- To maintain Angklung from penjamuran and termites, use anti-termite and fungalmedication regularly 2 weeks once the spraying process.
- To maintain sound quality do the tuning on a regular basis.
- Angklung stored in hot temperatures with temperatures> 30 C sometimes causes a slight crack on the base of the tube. This does not interfere with the sound, and handlingare given enough wood glue.
Saung Angklung Ujo (SAU)
Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) is a place of cultural workshop, which is the venue, the center of the bamboo crafts, and musical instruments from bamboo workshop. In addition, the SAU has a purpose as educational labs and learning centers to preserveSundanese culture and especially angklung.
Founded in 1966 by Udjo Ngalagena Sumiati Uum and his wife, with a view topreserving and maintaining traditional Sundanese arts and culture. Located at Jln.Padasuka 118, East Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
With an atmosphere where the fresh air and surrounded by bamboo trees, bamboohandicraft and interior of bamboo to bamboo musical instruments.
Besides regular performances every evening, Saung Angklung Udjo has repeatedlyheld a special show performed in the morning or afternoon. Shows are held in locationsnot limited to Saung Angklung Udjo only, but various invitations appear in various placesboth inside and outside the country, in August 2000 in Sasana Culture Ganesha ITB,Bandung, Saung Angklung Udjo a concert collaboration with a child singer ShirleyTemple was dubbed Indonesia, namely Sherina.
Saung Angklung Udjo not limited to selling only the performing arts course, a variety oftraditional bamboo musical instrument product (angklung, arumba, calung and others)made and sold to the buyer.
SAU Address :
Jl. Padasuka No. 118
Bandung - 40192
Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Jl. Padasuka No. 118
Bandung - 40192
Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Phone : +62 22 7271714
Website :
Koordinat GPS :
Latitude = -6.894133
Longitude = 107.658763
See also : calung - bamboo musical instrument
Website :
Koordinat GPS :
Latitude = -6.894133
Longitude = 107.658763
See also : calung - bamboo musical instrument