Kolintang Music Group in YVKE Mundial

Traditional Music Group Angklung School and Kolintang fostered by the Republic of Indonesia Embassy in Caracas today, Friday, April 15, 2011, at 10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. local time was interviewed by Radio Mundial YVK with a frequency of 550 AM and appear in person (live) in the event Vocero Nacional (National Voice) together show host Luis Chacon.
Radio Mundial YVK that stood since June 16, 1944 in Caracas is the radio's Ministry of Communications and Information broadcast news nationally and internationally both related directly or indirectly with the activities of the Venezuelan government.
On this occasion, Kolintang-Angklung Music Group showed skill play 7 (seven) pieces of songs, namely Solo River, the Love Is Blue, My Way, Coffee Dangdut / Moliendo Café, El Condor Pasa, Alma Llanera and Venezuela.
Besides playing music kolintang - Angklung direct, coach and Director of Music Group Kolintang - Angklung, José Herrera, also explained about musical instruments and angklung kolintang itself and the history of the formation of the group. The host Luis Chacon also interviewed several school pupils of the Republic of Indonesia which is a member of music group about motivation and their responses incorporated in Kolintang Music Group - partner Angklung Embassy Caracas.
Interview with Luis Chacon in the event Nacional Vocero is an interview with the first radio made by Group Kolintang and Angklung Music School of the Republic of Indonesia. Since most members of the Class Kolintang Angklung Music School students is the Republic of Indonesia, the Republic of Indonesia School name more famous and popular in the community among groups of students and teachers from public schools and the private sector in Venezuela, particularly in Caracas. Opportunity to do this interview is an event that is very good in taking advantage of opportunities to promote the art of traditional Indonesian culture to a wider segment of society with a wider range as well.

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